Duke Kahanamoku: A Hero

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Many people see today's life as easy and no problem. They know where their next meal will be and lots don't face adversary. Back during the 1920’s Nobody had this luxury but the rich and powerful. There were a handful of people that brought back hope to this dreadful time and all off them are remembered as hero. Duke Kahanamoku Is one of those people that brought peace and joy to the hopeful people.

Duke Kahanamoku was born on August 24, 1890 in a was then small island named Waikiki.(Duke Kahanamoku.com)He had eight siblings those were Samuel,David,Sargent,Louis,Bill,Maria,Bernice, and Kapiolani. As most kids did Duke spent his whole childhood playing on the beach and as they say “running in the sun”.(Wikipedia.com) Duke spent lots of his time in the water as other children noticed how well off a swimmer he was they offered him a chance to ride a surfboard and that's when a …show more content…

He was in 19 movies in total and had little roles not really key ones. He almost never got credited for them so many never knew it was indeed Duke. He was credited for some key roles he played in like Isle of escape,The black camel and many more. As later in life when Surfing became more popular people wanted to know more about him. So they did just that and made over 4 documentaries talking about his life as a island boy and what it is like in the Olympics and other big sporting events.

Duke died on January 22,1968 of a heart attack in his home. He lived a wonderful life full of excitement and living far above what anybody thought. He faced opponents far better than him and beat them why? Because he had heart and soul that nobody else had. His brothers and sisters all had passed before him and he remembers them as his best friends and true role models he told a reporter. Duke Kahanamoku will be missed for all his Olympic fame and his fortune but near as much for his kindness and his grace to the

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