Dueber-Hampden Watch Works Company Research Paper

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Dueber-Hampden Watch Company At the turn of the century, the population of Canton, Ohio more than doubled because of one company. Now you’re probably thinking that this was the Timken Company? But, that is not the correct answer. So it must be the Hoover Vacuum Company, or one of the many steel industries. Wrong, on both counts. Well, who was it that doubled Canton’s population? Why it was Dueber-Hampden Watch Works Company, of course! Wait, you mean that you don’t know what Dueber-Hampden Watch Works Company was? Well then, let me tell you a story. It all started in 1852 when a nine-year old boy by the name of John Carl Dueber, came to the new land of America with his mother and father, (Slide 1) ready for a new life away from his small home village of Netphen, Germany. When John was of age in his early teens, he took up an apprenticeship in Cincinnati, Ohio and began the art of engraving watch cases. Little did he know that it would not be long before the entire country and the …show more content…

Dougherty, a retired Canton banker, was determined to see Canton get the newly combined company. John Dueber was asking for a $100,000 gift from any city that wanted the new company’s and plus 7,000-10,000 employees and families. So Dougherty went to work and gathered 20 prominent figures, making them each promise to contribute $5,000. Three months later, a meeting was called and the money was given to Dueber, along with 25 acres of land, donated by the Meyers family of Meyers Lake if you know where that is. The land gift included benefits on land and taxes. Within 4 short years,, The Dueber-Hampden Watch Company was responsible for the population of Canton increasing more than 200% bringing over 12,000 new people to the once small city of Canton. John Dueber created the largest housing shortage in Canton’s

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