Duck Dynasty And Quackery Analysis

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In the article, “Duck Dynasty” and Quackery, Blow focuses on the comments made by Phil Robertson, the male head of the show. In the interview, Robertson says, “I never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person. Not once.” In conclusion, Robertson was an extremely ignorant person and he did not realize the discrimination going on around him. He never experienced it, which is why he was not able to notice the suffering of other people that faced discrimination. “Robertson doesn’t seem to acknowledge the possibility that black workers he encountered possessed the most minimal social sophistication and survival skills necessary to not confess dissatisfaction to a white person on a cotton farm (no matter how “trashy” that white person might think himself).” In conclusion, black workers and black people in general were extremely cautious in front of white people. They would think twice before saying anything, especially in front of white people since they are considered the superior race. Through the passage on race from the interview, I concluded that Robertson did not put in the effort …show more content…

Blow believes that this is an extremely important and serious topic. He believes that Roberson’s comments about discrimination are inappropriate because they do not depict the seriousness of the matter. According to Blow, this phenomenon does cause pain and suffering for the people that are discriminated due to their color, race etc. In the article Blow says, “only a man blind and naive to the suffering of others could have existed there are not recognized that there was a rampant culture of violence against blacks, with incidents and signs large and small, at every turn, on full display.” In the quote, Blow clearly states that there were incidents in which black people were discriminated and treated poorly. This quote helps prove that the social phenomenon discussed in the article does contribute to human

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