Duality Of Human Nature In The 1930's

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Human nature has always been capable of great good and bad. This is a fact which is apparent today just as much in the past. While human nature can exhibit either of these good or bad qualities at any time, it is perhaps during times of great change and adversity that these elements become strongly exaggerated. Consequently, in the United States, the period from the 1920’s through the 1930’s saw both great change and adversity. Most disturbing of all was likely the Great Depression, the single worst economic downturn in US history, deeply affecting human nature for those living through it. It is clear then that the this time period brings out in a particular way this duality in human nature. Hard times like the Great Depression certainly has the potential to bring out the good in human nature. Source A describes the firsthand experience of one such person who had to live through this time. He makes clear that he was poor even before the Depression hit, but remembers clearly when the market crashed and people across the nation lost all their savings. But he banded together with other poor children and formed something like a community. He talks of pooling “our troubles, our money when we had some, our inventiveness, and our pleasures.” He goes onto to describe the ways they kept each …show more content…

Perhaps most of all the experience of the African Americans shows evidence for this. In Source D, a painting depicting a group of African Americans celebrating in a bar demonstrates how minority groups were beginning to celebrate their cultural history. This was compacted by their experience of slavery, and so their marginalization in many parts of American society was nearly complete. The 20’s marked the beginning of the Harlem Renaissance however, in which African Americans banded together to assert their place in American history and

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