Drunk Driving And Driving

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Why? The question I would ask the man who put my uncle in a coma for two months. It was 6 am on Friday October 7th, I had a message from my mom that read “call me”. I remember the tears falling down my face as I ran out of bed calling for my cousin and my brother telling them to get ready, not being able to comprehend what was happening everything was a blur, it still is. My uncle 62 years of age was driving downtown around 11:30 am on Thursday October 6th, and got hit on the drivers side by a drunk driver who ran a red light. Our family decided not to tell us about it till the next morning when they knew for sure what was happening. One thing about my family is that there’s a lot of us and we’re the definition of close. My uncle is like …show more content…

A driver over the age of 21 with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08 or higher can get fined up to $2000, gets their license suspended up to 2 years, and can get jail time from 3-180 days, and thats for the first offense. Because there are people who can do such a horrible thing multiple times and live with themselves. The drunk driver that was referred to in the incident above, probably felt fine and thought he was okay to drive, but why take the chance? have consideration for others when making choices you my alter their lives and people close to them, but your own. According to research done by dmv.org, in 2014, 9,967 people were killed in alcohol-impaired driving crashes, accounting for nearly one-third (31%) of all traffic-related deaths in the United States. People who decide to drink should be responsible enough to keep in mind that coffee, exercising, and cold showers wont help. Only time can sober a person …show more content…

Obviously people have alcohol in more private places like their homes, but when faced with these situations all we can do is be responsible. If it’s you who consumed the alcohol or your friend , have a designated driver, call a taxi, or even sleepover if possible. If your sober and alert and someone you know or even a stranger is trying to leave drunk take precaution and talk to them as non-confrontational and possible. Explain to them what they 're trying to do, and the damage they could do, and if all else fails hide their keys if possible. Driving drunk can cause a lot of damage. Be mindful of people on the road remember everyone has a life and story and people who love them, don 't be the person to take that away from them, and even

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