Drug Addiction Video Analysis

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The video pertained to individuals who struggled with addictions. This video helped me understand what those individuals dealt with once they began their usage of drugs and alcohol and what it does to them over a period of time. The video gave an overview of the individuals discussing their first time using either drugs or alcohol and the struggle of their addictions for several years. They discussed what they had to go through and experience while using, falling in love, and the ending point of their struggle. Majority of the individuals began using as young adults due to peer pressure. Their first experience was unexpected, and they did not expect to feel the way that they did which is considered the “first high” that many individuals try to seek again. This triggers the ongoing use of their addictions. One woman stated she started drinking later in her life after her marriage, and her drinking was only in the afternoon. She became addicted because she never realized how much she had drink until morning when she noticed the bottle was empty or less than half full. …show more content…

She started snorting coke due to her partner being addicted. They would go out for a case and use the drugs available from the drug dealers. Another interesting thing about her story was that when she quit for months, she would still get a physical sensation or visual stimulus from someone she would see injecting themselves. She also stated that she went to her supervisor to inform them of their addictions and they hospitalized her partner for a few weeks, but they were expected to continue to bring in cases for the office. The office did not care about their addictions; they just wanted more drug

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