Driving Persuasive Speech

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Discussion 2, Presentation I would like to address a major issue across America involving the driving conditions we must face getting to and from anywhere. First and foremost, the DMV reiterates daily that driving is a privilege not a right. Second and most importantly, there is no requirement that needs to be met except a passing test one day of the year to acquire a license to anywhere in America. Police aren’t even holding drivers responsible maybe because of backlash from all the media but that’s a whole other presentation. America is overrun with unprofessional, over populated, and unorganized heavy traffic. We need to take our future votes more personal and demand some sort of standard in this country before it’s too late. Beginning …show more content…

It would be great if we kept the same requirements for building and housing limits surrounding our highways to lower the flooding traffic every morning. There is plenty of land in the United states, so not everyone needs to live and work inside the saturated city of LA. The most detrimental to both our environment and traffic needs are 80,000 lb., 73 ft. long, 18 wheelers, doubles, triples, tankers, flatbeds and oversized loads, with 7 miles per gallon efficiency, intermingling at 25 miles an hour on 7% inclines and declines with civilian drivers oblivious to any rules and regulations racing at 80 miles per hour with no regard to the conditions the professional truck drivers are subject to. When one tire blows out, and a loaded cement truck with the back booster-tires to help distribute the load grinds through half the aluminum steering rims just to reach it’s stopping point considering the driver hasn’t rolled over or killed anyone yet. With all the traffic keeping those diesel trucks idling in traffic instead of making their loads on time adds to the pollution problem, and blocks people from reaching

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