Dreams From My Father Research Paper

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Since their arrival to America during the Atlantic slave trade to the twenty first century, African Americans have experienced a drastic change in their family structure. A variety of factors throughout the centuries has caused families to be destabilized, separated, and brought together. William Edward Burghardt Du Bois describes the hardship of being a father and raising a child in American society during the antebellum period in his book The Souls of Black Folk. He explains how an innocent child was born into a land where freedom did not really exist, and would have to deal with the prejudice that comes with being African-American in the United States. More recently, in Obama’s Dreams from my Father, Obama faces identity conflicts and struggles with the sense of …show more content…

Slavery and segregation has resulted in disorganized and unstable African American families, but throughout the centuries, these families have evolved by becoming closer and much more tight knit by progressing in socioeconomic status with the help of the civil rights movement. Dreams from my Father is the story of Obama’s early life, where he strives to find his calling in the world without a father figure to guide him. Obama’s father left him at the age of two, so he never received the opportunity to know him. He formed an image of his absent father only from stories that he heard from his mother and her parents. Destructured families like these are common throughout African American history, and can be traced back to the time of slavery. Slavery and its aftermath played a big role in the evolution of African American families. It had a crippling effect on both the mother and father figures. The father lacked the authority to govern or protect his family, while the mother was also undermined. She had little care and attention for her kids as most mothers would work as field hands or house servants. At many times, the

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