Dream Weekend Commercial Analysis

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Do you love your pet? Then Subaru’s recent commercial, “Dream Weekend”, probably tickled you pink. There are only two sentences said in this one minute commercial, but it speaks volumes through pictures. It tells the story of a middle-aged man and his old dog completing a bucket list of exciting things a dog could do; like chewing new shoes or having a steak dinner. To every person who can relate with companionship to a pet (except Wyatt Avery) is touched with the idea of celebrating the life of a furry friend. Even though this commercial is trying to sell a car, what you remember from the advertisement is the dog and his bucket list. It’s the two sentences at the end is what makes this a car commercial: “It’s not just the miles in life, it’s what you make of them. Love; it’s what makes a Subaru, a Subaru.” When it says the last sentence, it puts a lot of emphasis on the word love. I believe this ad is effective because it’s the reason my mom thought about getting me a Subaru Impreza, and now it’s my car. …show more content…

There is nothing in this commercial that compels me to want one for myself, but I will remember how the commercial touched me and it might occur to me when thinking of cars to buy. It is telling me though, that if I buy this car, made with love, I can make good memories of companionship with it. It is the perfect car to experience the best parts of life in. The viewer doesn’t really think of that at first, but see a moment that they would like to experience or relate to, and that’s the message

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