Dream Definition Essay

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Dreams Have you ever had a dream or nightmare that you liked or that scared you? Dreams exist for a reason; they are a message that our brain is trying to transmit to us. We dream every night, but forget most of them. If we have a dream, we should analyze what it is trying to tell us. According to Hannah Nichols, “Dreams are stories and images that our minds create while we sleep” (Nichols). The cause for dreaming is not known exactly, but there are many theories. It could be messages from the brain or an analysis of the day. I once had a very interesting dream; it was just a few days ago. In this dream, I was walking with some friends, when suddenly we found a secret passage to find a treasure. We entered in it and it was a maze, there were doors and corridors everywhere. Everything was white as snow, the doors and the floor were painted in this color. We walked through the maze, but there were passages and passages and we could never find the treasure. Additionally, there was an evil man trying to stop us from finding the treasure. We came every day to keep looking for it, but never found it. What can this dream mean? …show more content…

It represents indecision, confusion, missteps, feeling lost or being misled.”(What’s). It can also mean that there is a situation in your life that you have to confront and that you are making the situation harder. A treasure in dreams means that you have a talent that you did not know about. It symbolizes self-worth. A bad person in the dream means that there is something trying to stop you, and most of the times, it is yourself. In general, what the dream was trying to transmit is that I am feeling confused and lost about something, and that I have a talent I did not knew about, but I may be my own obstacle to discover it. I had this dream a few days ago, it only happened one time. There are other dreams and nightmares that I have had more than one

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