Dr Faustus Reoccurring Themes

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In both Thomas More’s Utopia and Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus, hubris is a reoccurring theme in both the book and play. While hubris is a reoccurring theme, both Utopia and Doctor Faustus have different types of excessive pride shown throughout the book and play. In Utopia, hubris is believed to the root of everything wrong in the world. In both book 1 and 2, More tells how hubris ruins everything and causes people to become greedy and uncaring towards others. Hythloday believes that people in Utopia are happier because they do not worry about food and are concerned about the public. While people of other places are full of greed and are too prideful to help another person in need. In Doctor Faustus, hubris is shown through Dr.

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