Don't experience life through a screen

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The people living in the 21st century have been crutched by technology. Living in the era of internet, smart phones and GPS. The children born in this new era, are practical born with technology, because of new baby products like Baby Einstein, and Kidz delight Fun N Play Tablet. As students of the 21st century, technology is at their fingertips, ninety-three percent of teens have a computer or have access to one at home (excluding the Amish). Seven in ten teens have a home computer access say the laptop or desktop they use most often is one they share with other family members . Nations depend so much in technology, they use it in banking, trading, and exchanging systems, if anything where to damage technology base objects, let's a say electromagnetic wave where to hit earth, many nations would literally go insane. People in the 21st century have become so overly depend on technology, its needed in industry’s, in education and in daily tasks. Humans don't need technology to breath, to love, or to live. Humans don't need to have technology to tell them if its day or night. “This 21st century requires creative and innovative young adults who depend on themselves and bring a difference to the world, instead of waiting for other people to do so for them.” – Catherine Wanjiku Njagi, Kenya. People of the 21st century don't depend on technology ,then what does it depend on? It depends on its future leaders. Those future leaders need technology to become known as leaders worldwide. They need to used social media, video and responsive design to create awareness of them to reach people in other nation. To have any information go world wide, technology is needed, no mater what. “Humanity is acquiring all the right technology, for all the w... ... middle of paper ... ...wn time and privacy of your own home. What is so amazing you can pay bills without wasting stamps and guaranteeing that it gets there in a timely fashion. “If there was a fire and you only had three things to grab, what would they be?” (quick first thing that pops into your head) An overwhelming majority of the answers can be things like: my phone, my laptop, my wallet, my iPad, my purse, my children...the big idea is that it is technology based. Our contacts, photo album, schedules, books, everything is in that piece of metal, and plastic. Our life, our memories are all keep in our precious technology. Researchers at Intel Labs survey say, seventy percent of technology already enhances their personal relationships and about half believe People in the 21st century have become so overly depend on technology, its needed in industry’s, in education and in daily tasks.

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