Donatello And Thomas Aquinas Research Paper

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Donatello and Thomas Aquinas were both extremely significant people during the Renaissance time. During the cultural rebirth that occurred in Europe from the fourteenth through the middle of the seventeenth centuries, Donatello and Thomas Aquinas had very similar characteristics and were determined to push for what they believed in. Although both were extremely motivated, Thomas Aquinas was one who provided part of the foundation called the Early Renaissance, and was one of the most influential medieval thinkers of all time. The Renaissance, also known as the “dawn of a new age”, began the studying of multiple European scholars, such as Thomas Aquinas, of their surroundings. Also, during the same period, artists of Europe, such as Donatello, produced more unique realistic work. Eventually, this new age in Europe took the name of what means “rebirth” in French. The Renaissance first began in the northern part of Italy in cities such as Naples, Genoa, and Venice and then spread over the next century through Europe. Since Italy became the center of trade between Europe and the Middle …show more content…

Thomas Aquinas, completed five years of education at a Benedictine house in Naples. While spending time there, Aquinas studied Aristotle’s work which then later helped him launch his starting point in his own exploration of philosophy. Aquinas was also interested in more contemporary orders and was attracted to a life of spiritual service. St. Thomas Aquinas, circa 1239, began to attend the University of Naples. Then secretly betrayed his family and joined an order of Dominican monks in 1243. As the years passed by, Thomas Aquinas continued to study with the Dominicans in Paris, Naples and Cologne. While in Paris, he went to teach theology in 1250 at the University of Paris. Afterwards, under the tutelage of St. Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas earned his doctorate in theology. With some odds against him, he proved an exemplary scholar through it

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