Donald Trump Dbq

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Many Americans are disenchanted with the current political system and feel the government is corrupt. It’s time for a dramatic change. Donald Trump is an outsider who can change our government for the better. Hilary Clinton represents the status quo. Americans are demanding change. Even though Donald Trump has no government experience, he should be the next President of the United States because he is a true conservative, is tough on foreign policy, and undeniably a great negotiator.
Donald Trump is against tax increases, is pro-gun, and pro-life as well as for stricter immigration laws. The following quote illustrates his appeal to the base of his party. “Trump doesn’t just represent the Republican base on immigration. He is the Republican …show more content…

He has already criticized Russia and China and plans on cutting through the rhetoric. Trump takes a bold stance on foreign affairs as described in the following quote. “Trump believes that the United States should not expend its foreign-policy energy and power unless its allies, partners, or other stakeholders have a similar commitment to solving the issue at hand. That’s basically the opposite of the current consensus among Washington’s foreign-policy and national security leaders” (Ward). Washington’s foreign-policy on national security has not been as successful as it could be. Perhaps Trump’s approach would be an opportunity to level the playing field so that the entire burden of being the world’s police doesn’t fall on the United States. Hilary Clinton’s foreign policy is dramatically different than Trump’s as described by the following source. “It’s clear from conversations I had this summer with most of her senior staff members, as well as White House officials and outside advisors, that Clinton is a cautious figure who distrusts grandiose rhetorical formulations, is deeply grounded in the harsh realities of politics, and prefers small steps to large ones. Her belief in the use of American power has less to do with the humanitarian impulse to prevent injustice abroad than with the belief that only coercion works with refractory nations and leaders” (“The Hilary Clinton Doctrine”). In the past …show more content…

But he is very rude and inappropriate and lacks the qualifications to become the next president. Whereas, Hilary Clinton conducts herself professionally, has significant political experience and a proven track record. According to her biography, “Hillary Clinton was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2001; she became the first American first lady to ever win a public office seat. She later became the 67th U.S. secretary of state in 2009, serving until 2013”. (“Hilary Clinton Biography”). Hilary Clinton’s experience as a US senator and Secretary of State will be very important when managing national and foreign affairs. Trump has nowhere near the level of political and leadership experience of Hilary Clinton. According to an article written by Koran and Browne, “If Donald Trump makes it from the corner office to the Oval Office, he will be pulling off an unprecedented feat: He will be the only head of the executive branch of government whose principal professional credential is having served as a chief executive officer. Plenty of presidential candidates have pointed to their business acumen in making a case for the White House, most recently Republican Mitt Romney in 2012. But Trump is a rarity for a major party nominee, since he's never held elected office, a top government post or a high military rank” (Koran, Browne). Unfortunately, Donald Trump doesn’t understand how the government operates and will need significant

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