Donald Dyson: A Critical Analysis Of Open Relationships

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This critical analysis focuses on whether open relationships are healthy. While Donald Dyson, assistant professor of human sexuality education at Widener University and the National co-chair of the conference for the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists claims yes, that there are essential qualities of a healthy relationship and that an open relationship can be successful. Stanley Kurtz, a writer and senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center disputes the claim and contends that no open relationships are not healthy and can be damaging to the institution of marriage and will lead to same-sex marriage or plural marriages. (Hall, 2010, p. 248). Dyson and Kurtz both made some value points in their
He mentions that with any relationship good communication about intimacy needs, sexual desires and fantasies, and personal preferences, limitations, jealousy, attraction needs to be discussed. He also points out that while communication is the main key between the partners. They must also have honesty and trust in order to sustain a healthy relationship (Hall, 2010, p. 253).
Dyson and Kurtz strongly have different views on whether or not open relationships can be healthy or not. I think both have valid reasons for their arguments but are arguing different positions. While Dyson argues that open relationships can have a positive. Dyson’s argument focuses more on the impact of open relationships as self-contained to the individuals involved rather than assuming that such an arrangement will have a single, universal impact on all relationships. In contrast, Kurtz contends that any redefinition of marriage will be the start of a slippery slope that will ultimately affect everyone by causing the institution of marriage itself to disintegrate (Hall, 2010, p.
He more a less pointed out from one case how a couple bringing in a third person by cohabitation resulted in homosexuality. The wife could have been bi-sexual before bringing in the third person into their marriage. Kurtz was a little bias and his perception of homosexuality was more the reason why he believes open relationships to be unhealthy. Dyson mentions each open relationship would be different, it is up to the couple to decide how open their relationship will be with others they bring into the marriage, and they will decide together if they will have same-sex partners. Having honest communication and trusting your spouse or partner is how an open relationship can be a healthy relationship. In conclusion, with the divorce rates rising more people need to be honest with their spouses and communicate within their relationships. Open relationships straight or same-sex maybe healthy, but if there are problems in the marriage; those problems need to be addressed before agreeing to have an open

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