Does Strain Theory Affects The Rate Of Crime

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Joshua Bermudez
Dr. Jennifer Chiotti
30 January 2018
Discussion #1
Strain Theory
Strain theory is the theory that society encourages people to be successful through approved methods. Those who are not able to achieve their goals are separated by the societal strain. One of the key elements of strain theory are the categorizations of criminal intent based on a person’s acceptance of both society’s goals and the means to achieve them. The strength of strain theory lies in its vagueness, by not defining what society’s goals are or the means of achieving them strain theory can be applied to almost any situation. The situations in which strain theory cannot be applied can be considered its weakness for instance crime among those in the upper class where they are already deemed successful by society and have legal methods of achieving success. Strain theory applies best to those in the lower classes as they lack the resources needed to achieve success. The criminal justice system uses strain theory to categorize crime in low income areas.
Broken Windows Theory …show more content…

A broken window represents the lack of care towards an area, by not fixing this window the people living in the area are left vulnerable to more damage. Seeing a broken window increases a person’s concern for safety. One of the arguments for the broken windows theory is the increased police attention towards the low-income areas. One of the flaws behind this theory is the fact that crime is linked to a physical area. This correlation implies that crime in unable to take place in well maintained areas which is untrue. The crime that would be most applicable to this theory is vandalism due to the lack of care needed to do the act. This theory can be used to explain the higher crime rates in predominantly poor

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