General Strain Theory was discussed by Robert Agnew, and first published in 1992. According to General Strain Theory individuals engage in crime because of strains or stressors which produce anger and anxiety (Agnew, 1992). Crimes become the outlet that the individual uses to cope with or remedy the strains or stressors. Agnew states that there are three different types of deviance producing strains. 1. Removal of positively valued stimuli. This is most commonly associated with theft of personal belongings, however can also be applied to loss of a loved one, such as a friend or member of the family. Agnew believes that this type of strain leaves the subject to commiot crimes based around the feeling of a need to act vengefully towards those who took the valued stimuli, recover the item and aim to further restrict or ward off its loss. (Agnew, 1992) 2. Failure to achieve positively valued goals, such as a rich status in financial terms. This can range from not being able to afford common household bills to not being able to afford something which would highten social status such as an expensive car or house. . Agnew discussed 3 notable types of goals which people aim to achieve or acquire. The first of which is finances, in particular, money. As money is typically gained through legitimate means, failure to reach these needs or demands may cause a level of strain upon the individual. Agnew’s theory differs from traditional theories as he believes this causes a limited amount of crime, and only that which directly affects financial gain, such as theft or robbery. (Agnew, 1994). The second is related to status and respect. This type of status can change even between subcultures and may result in crime in order to achieve this s... ... middle of paper ... ...asis on these types of strains and stressors and how they cause deviant behavior. The connection between the strains and deviant behavior are the negative emotions that are produced by the strains such as anger and anxiety. The causes of deviant behavior can be linked to those emotions and the personal resources available to handle the emotions. This helps to define why some individuals with similar strains commit crimes and why others chose legal manners in which they deal with their strains and emotions. General Strain Theory can help to explain any act that is considered deviant by society, and carries with it some sort of punishment, either formally or informally (Agnew, 2006). Failure to achieve positively valued goals is broken down further by Agnew into three categories that produce strain. The first of these is money. Money is a cause of strain when
Agnew’s theory pulls from sociological literature concerning mental health, focusing on associations between taxing experiences, negative emotions, and social behavior. According to Agnew (1992), there are three forms of strain that one may experience: “prevention from achieving positively valued goals, removal or the threat of removal of positively valued stimuli, and presentation or threat of presentation of noxious stimuli or negatively valued stimuli” (Agnew, 1992, p. 48). General strain theory (GST) also suggests that there are “strains, particularly conflicting social relationships, that engender negative affective states (e.g., anger, fear, frustration) that create internal pressure for corrective action” (Aseltine, 2010, p. 257). The corrective action can be seen as a way to escape the negative emotion or rid one’s self from the pressure or strain.
There are many criminological theories that attempt to explain criminal behavior or crime patterns. For instance, Agnew’s General Strain Theory can be applied to explain why the criminal John Dillinger committed various crimes. Agnew’s General Strain Theory assumes that all individuals experience strain, which, in turn, causes negative emotions that can result in legitimate or illegitimate coping, depending on an individual’s constraints or dispositions. Thus, the continuous criminal behavior throughout John Dillinger’s life can be explained using Agnew’s General Strain Theory in relation to strain, negative emotions, and dispositions.
216). Strain due to a lack of access to legitimate means that would help an individual obtain the culturally accepted goals (e.g., wealth) is more commonly seen in the lower classes. More of than not, the poor and minorities in our society usually not have the resources needed (e.g., education) to help them succeed in accomplishing their goals. Thus, these individuals are handicapped and at a disadvantage when it comes to being able to escape from the lower class (Wilson, 2009). Merton identified five responses to this means and end dilemma.
General Strain Theory views most humans as being lawful and moral citizens in their society. The average citizen only turns to deviance when they become inflicted with negative emotions brought on by one or more of the three main types of strain. The three types ...
Majority of the citizens in the United States have always strived to obtain, what is known as the American dream. That dream usually involves having a well-paid career, a family, and having a big house in a neighborhood free from crime. According, Robert Merton in his theory of Strain theory believes that these goals are instilled at an early age, which these goals are held to all of its members in society; however the means of obtaining these goals are not equally distributed out. The means being defined as education, the concepts of hard work are ways to achieve these goals. Merton’s strain theory is an explanation of criminal behavior, according to the textbook, Adler, Mueller and Laufer (2010) defined Strain theory as “that people are law-abiding citizen, but when under great pressure will resort to crime. Disparity between goals and means provide this pressure.”(p.106) Merton goes that in a class-orientated society, opportunities to get to the top are not equally distributed. There are two important elements that in any society. The (1) cultural aspirations, or goals that people believe are worth striving for, and (2) institutionalized means to accepted ways to attain the desire ends. Inequality between goals and means fosters frustrations, which leads to strain. (Alder, Mueller, and Laufer 2010).
Classic Strain Theory, as introduced and defined by Robert Merton, is a Social Structure Theory used to help explain the effect one’s community, most notably lower class areas, has on their ability to achieve predetermined goals, usually considered culturally normal. Merton theorized that all people in a various culture and social structure have similar values, goals, and norms. He stated that within this social structure there are individuals who come from affluent upbringing and are therefore more likely achieve these goals, and most likely this will be attained through legitimate, culturally acceptable means. There are however, Merton said, lower class areas where individuals suffer from lack of educational and economic opportunities afforded the upper class, leading to resentment and anger individuals at their inability to achieve stated objectives and goals through legitimate means.
151-166. The norms are violated to alleviate the strain that accompanies failure. When a good look is taken at the theories, the strains might not only come from peoples frustrations with acquiring “ The American Dream”, but it becomes a mixture of strains such as economic deprivation, abuse, neglect, or the loss of a loved one. However, most people that experience strains do not commit crimes.... ... middle of paper ...
Merton concentrated the strain/anomie theory on the concept of the “American Dream.” He makes the argument that society encourages everyone to pursue economic and material success at all costs. When people can’t achieve their goals of success by legitimate means, this is where the crime occurs. The institutionalized “norms” of society weaken as people are forced to turn to illegitimate means. One of the key points to Merton’s theory is “The disjunction between what the culture extols and what the social structure makes possible, therefore, places large segments of the American population in the strain-engendering position of desiring a goal that they cannot reach through conventional means…It produces intense pressure for deviation.” (Lilly, Cullen, & Ball, p. 65)
The Structural Strain Theory is a theory of deviance that explains deviance as the natural outgrowth of the values, norms, and structures of society. Amer...
Both theories by Merton and Agnew are similar because their focus is that social situations and conflicts an individual’s comes in contact within his/her life, may produce crime by emphasizing the a goal of success, much more than the means to achieve it. With Merton’s theory he adopted Durkheim’s concept of anomie to explain deviance. Merton’s theory combined both structural and cultural factors. Merton insists that society promotes goals for their citizens and norms for other’s behavior in attempting to reach these goals. In Merton’s theory people do crime when they are unable to reach or accomplish goals. Merton’s theory also explains how an individual’s social structure prevents an individual from becoming economically fortunate. His theory of modern anomie and strain express that individuals respond to strain in 5 individual ways. Those five ways are conformity, innovation, ritualism, retreatism, and rebellion. On the other hand Agnew general strain theory, feels strain comes from sources other than economic failure. Agnew general strain theory focuses on a few other types of strain and stress. Like the presentation of a negative stimuli, and the loss of a positive stimuli. Agnew feels that this sort of strain leads to a negative state of mind. The emotions like angry, frustration and fear, lead to crime and criminal behavior. One
The General Strain Theory scope has an intention of providing a clear explanation for why and why not crime occurs across all levels of society, while maintaining that stress is a major cause of criminal involvement. When people experience negative emotions, such as anger, frustration, or depression, they are in result unhappy and upset, thus experiencing strains or stressors (Ganem, 2010). Crime is then a way of reducing or escaping from these strains, and it is their method of coping with their emotions. According to Agnew, “Strains refer to events or conditions that are disliked by individuals (1992,
In classic strain theory it is said that, Classic strain theory focuses on that type of strain involving the inability to achieve success or gain a middle class status. General Strain theory focuses on a broad range of strains, including the inability to achieve a variety of goals, the loss of valued possessions, and negative treatment by others. General Strain Theory has been applied to a range of topics, including the explanation of gender, race/ethnicity, age, community, and societal differences in crime
Strain theory is the inability to achieve one’s goals because of the loss of positive stimuli, or the presentation of negative stimuli. Strain theory may play a pivotal role in some of my peer 's lives due to their inability to achieve their goals. In class we talk about how strain theory cause great deal of crimes through means of certain strains or stressors, which increasing the likelihood of crime. Examples of Stressors and strains is not having positive role model this may influence crimes to happen. Other issue of strains that may play a role in crime is the inability of gaining monetary success. Monetary success usually cause problems that arise due to the lack of income or lack of quality education that would drives individuals to commit crime. My perspective to general strain theory is that a lot pressure was put on me to succeed in life, and that played a factor in my of my own strain to succeed, we didn’t have a lot income in the house, but my parents did provide everything in order for me to succeed. People such as Robert Merton believed that when societal norms only accepted goals, such as the 'American Dream, ' which then place pressure on the individual to conform, they force the individual to either work within the society has produced, or instead becomes a members of a deviant subculture in an attempt to achieve those
...y are bombarded from birth that they should desire and pursue money, power, fame, and success. Without achieving these goals they are seen as failures. Strain theories have shown that placing too much emphasis on individual success and the pursuit of happiness through the accumulation of power and wealth, can lead to an increase in crime.
This could explain the effect of strains on crime by taken this theory into account. Once strain causes bonds to weaken amongst conventional groups and institutions such as family, school, and peer networks will open up doors to delinquent behaviors, because by being in these social roles causes the person to regulate by role expectations.