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How theories inform criminological research
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According to Lilly, Cullen and Ball (2011), the wisdom of theoretical integration lies in whether these efforts allow us to explain the causes of crime more adequately, although these criteria must be applied to whether integration achieves not only short-term gains in explanatory power but also long-term growth in theoretical knowledge. In review of theory integration, it is consider important for the future of criminology because it merges the insights from two or more theories into a single framework to introduction reasoning or cause for crimes that are being committed. Integrated theory involves more than one perspective, It tends to explain the reason for criminal behavior or the causes of crime by varies models within the …show more content…
The importance of integrated theory relies on these social institutions to create a theory of the causes criminal behavior in the sense that it links to the family who is bonded to the offender in which he learn most of his behaviors from due to lack of guidance or support of his or her goals while growing up. This is where he attaches himself to peers to seek the sense of feeling important within society; this is where the child feels valued by doing crazy things with his friends who value him, but don’t have his best interest in mind. This type of social control illustrates that the individual takes into account the opinion of others to help guide his or her decision in life, which could be right or wrong therefore, it is important to enhance this individual with positive guidance with support by their …show more content…
This could explain the effect of strains on crime by taken this theory into account. Once strain causes bonds to weaken amongst conventional groups and institutions such as family, school, and peer networks will open up doors to delinquent behaviors, because by being in these social roles causes the person to regulate by role expectations. Therefore, if the individual role amongst his conventional group and his institutional group is failure, then he or she will participate in crime and commit to what is expected of him, through these groups, once strain causes bonds to weaken a youth is free to engage in delinquency. According to Krohn (1986) bridged together theoretical propositions from the delinquency-enhancing effects of differential association and the delinquency-constraining effects of social bonds, as these interact with social learning and social control. His network theory maintains that the lower the network density in relationship to population density, the weaker the constraints against nonconformity, and the higher rates of
The two theories that are being analyzed in this paper are Ronald Akers’ Social Learning Theory and Travis Hirschi’s Social Bonding Theory. Hirschi's social bonding theory is one of many control theories which all take on the task of explaining the core cause of crime; however, this particular theory seems to be the most popular and able to stand the test of time. The Social Bond theory contains four elements that explain what criminals lack that causes them to be more prone to illegal activity, these elements are attachment, commitment, involvement, and belief. On the other end of the spectrum is Akers’ Social Learning Theory, which attempts to explain the correlation between and individual's social environment and their behavior depending on what is praised or punished in an individual's specific social organization. (Walsh & Hemmens)
Edwin Sutherland’s differential association theory can help us address these issues (the theory was meant to explicate how criminals came to
Agnew’s general strain theory describes how strains are more likely to lead to deviance when the strain is associated with a low amount of social control. Sutherland and Akers take a slightly different interpretation of this. They recognize that social factors, such as race and social class, do have an influence on criminal behavior because of their effect on an individual’s likelihood of associating with others who present definitions of crime similar to their own. However, these theologians refer to the concept of social control in a different way that
According to Robert Agnew, “Strain Theory is based on the idea that delinquency results when individuals are unable to achieve their goals through legitimate channels, achievement or strike out at the source of their frustration in anger”. (Agnew, R. (1985). A Revised Strain Theory of Delinquency. Oxford journals. 64(1).151-166). The norms are violated to alleviate the strain that accompanies failure. When a good look is taken at the theories the strains might not only come from peoples frustrations with acquiring “ The American Dream”, but it becomes a mixture of strains such as economic deprivation, abuse, neglect, or the loss of a loved one. However, most people that experience strains do not commit crimes.
...ifferent crime patterns and thought processes of criminals. The reasons can only come from these theories and will help the justice systems become more prepared to react towards different crimes. However, with adding some enhancements, projects and experiments these two theories have the potential to change the criminology realm forever.
One of the more common theories often used to explain this trend is general strain theory. General strain theory was first introduced Robert Agnew when he was trying to revise anomie theory from a micro level, social psychological perspective (Akers and Sellers, 2013). According to Agnew’s revised theory, he claimed that, crime and delinquency were often an adaptation to stress. For example, if an individual was in desperate need for money, Agnew claims that this individual would often feel frustrated, angry, or experience a range of negative emotions, which could result in this individual coping with this strain through crime (Cullen, Agnew, and Wilcox,
for an increase in gang membership to an extent. Gang membership and in a broader sense, crime and deviance, are social problems which have plagued every society and do not appear to be eradicated anytime in the foreseeable future. However, sociologists and other academics have conjured up explanations like the strain theory, born criminal theory, phrenology and craniometry which have aided law enforcers in their deterrence efforts. According to the structural strain theory, gang membership increase with the presence of a discrepancy between means and goals. The government could open up more avenues for youths to develop their talents.
Krohn, M., & Massey, J. (1980). Social control and delinquent behavior: an examination of the elements of the social bond. The Socialogical Quarterly, 21(4), 529-544.
An integrated theory is a combination of 2 or 3 theories that offers many explanations on why crime is occurring, compared to a traditional criminal theory that just focus on one type of aspect (Lilly et al.2010). The purpose of integrated theories is to help explain many aspects into what causes criminal behavior and why one becomes delinquent. From this an argument arises can integrated theories be used to explain all criminal behavior. Integrated theories are successful in explaining certain aspects of crime on what causes one to become deviant; however one theory alone cannot explain why an individual engages in crime. This paper will examine three integrated theories and look in-depth how these theories can explain different aspects on why criminal behavior occurs and the weakness of each theory. The three integrated theories that will be discussed in this paper are Cloward and Ohlin Differential Opportunity theory, Robert Agnew General Strain theory, and lastly Travis Hirschi’s Social Bond theory.
Across the nation, social scientists and criminologists have researched and hypothesized the main contributing factors that promote juvenile delinquency. The Strain/ Anomie theory introduced by Robert Merton and later revised by several other theorists, attempts to explain why juvenile subculture tend to behave certain ways when confronted with pressures from everyday life. Revised by other theorists, the Strain theory attempts to provide the framework of juvenile delinquency and its sources in order to analyze the effectiveness of this assumption, as well as to implement certain crime prevention policies and programs to curb this problem. This paper is going to analyze how the Strain theory contributes it’s principles of delinquency factors in order to explain and understand juvenile delinquency.
In order to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the criminal behavior theories, the word theory needs to be defined. “A theory is an explanation. It tells why or how things are related to each other. A theory of crime explains why or how a certain thing or certain things are related to criminal behavior.” (Bohn and Vogel)
Some of the explanations of delinquency insinuates that education, politics, social factors, family issues among others are the main causes of delinquency (Rutter, 2013).Just as these were some of the factors in “There Are No Children Here”. In addition, criminal investigators formulated several theories which explain causes of delinquency. Among them are social factors which are explained through several theories which include Social Reaction Theory also referred to as Labeling theory and Power control
By definition, anomie is defined as the lack of social regulations within a society that upholds deviant behavior (Akers and Sellers, 174). According to Cloward and Ohlin, delinquency occurs because individuals are presented with the opportunity to do so. However, the strain theory is defined as the result of the lack of social regulations. Strain theory refers to the pressure that delinquent groups are faced with when it comes to taking advantage to the opportunities around them (Akers and Sellers, 175). The opportunities that are often discussed and associated with strain theory are the different types of crimes that an individual is presented with so that he or she can achieve some sort of income. The opportunities are either legal or illegal (Akers and Sellers,
Messner, S., Krohn, M., & Liska, A. (1989). Theoretical integration in the study of deviance and crime. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
...play a role in the creation of a juvenile delinquent. One side is not complete without the other; both social and individual elements take part in the forming of delinquents. Every juvenile delinquent has a unique circumstance with its own mitigating factors. There is no theory that will cover the full array of why the children commit crimes, although the use of several theories may make it clearer.