Does School Limit Creativity Essay

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Does School limit Creativity?
Remember how we use to have imaginary friends and we could be anyone? That stick looked just like a stick to an adult, but to us it looked like a gun or sword. Now a stick is just a stick and we are who we are. Its funny how our imagination starts to change as we grow up. We were raised to think “sky 's the limit.” Then reality sets in and we learn that limits are closer than the sky. In kindergarten, we make things with macaroni or finger paint. By 5th grade we are listening to the teacher telling us about how we need to sit still, keep our eyes on the board and try to stay awake. We don’t always have the attention span to sit still for hours and not use our minds. It is shocking to seeing how much our lives …show more content…

Mike Murph said “If public schools killed creativity and made us all think the same, we would all take the same major(Does School Kill).” Schools have art class, music class, and writing classes, They have the choice to chose electives. Electives are music, art, band, home ec, computer class and others. These all let the kids be creative. In elementary school they take a variety of classes and do arts and crafts. In middle and high school they have electives instead. School is where we are taught new things, our minds absorb the new knowledge, and make our …show more content…

Schools have so many tests where now kids aren’t even trying to learn, but memorize what they need to know. If someone was to ask an adult who was fresh out of highschool about, what the 17th amendment was, they probably wouldn’t be able to answer. As a student, I know that half the students that study for a test will most likely look over their note the night before and memorize what the text said for the test and forgot about it by next week. Most tests are multiple choice which limits the student 's ability to defend their answer or think for themselves. Also they are focused on passing not learning the material. Memorize, pass the test and you win. There are also other factors that lead from testing according to the article School district field-tests 52 (yes, 52) new tests on kids, “That high-stakes standardized tests don’t measure real learning and result all too frequently in narrowed curriculum, cheating and a climate of fear.” So not only are the students not learning from test, but they are fearful of not passing.
Testing is not the only way schools limit creativity. Teachers tell us what we should be learning and we are suppose to trust what they are saying. How do we know if they aren’t being biased on what they are teaching? Just because they are older than us doesn’t mean they are always right. They teach us to try to be right and not wrong, if it 's wrong you lose points. “If you 're not

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