Does Legal Aid Offer Justice

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Legal aid is the provision of support to those who cannot afford legal representation and is applicable to both criminal and civil cases. Legal Aid can be regarded to be a cornerstone of a civilized society due to the fact that it allows everyone to be represented and defended in the court of law and was first introduced in 1949 with the Legal Aid and Advice Act. Legal aid can also be seen to uphold article six of the Human Rights Act 1998 which states “everyone is entitled to a fair and public hearing .” In recent years the application of Legal Aid has been reduced drastically with the introduction of the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 (LASPO) which raises the question of, does legal aid offer justice for all? This …show more content…

This is due to the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012. LASPO greatly reduces the applicability of legal aid mainly in civil cases. According to House of L8ords Justice Committee Report the intent of LAPSO was to reduce overall spending towards legal aid by reducing unnecessary legal aid claims while increasing the quality of legal aid being received by the tax payer by focusing legal aid on specific case types . This was achieved through limiting the scope of legal aid. Under LAPSO legal aid no longer applies to family cases, immigration cases , employment cases, welfare claims, and housing matters . These cuts do not necessarily reduce unnecessary legal aid claims nor do they increase the quality of legal aid being received. However, these cuts clearly limit the peoples access to justice. This can be seen with increasingly high closure rating of legal aid centers across the country as well as overall budget cuts to the legal aid fund .Additionally, in April of 2014 the U.K government began its £350 million cut to the legal aid fund. This resulted of cuts of up 30% for barristers pay in legal aid cases. Imran Khan who was the solicitor in the R. v Dobson case stated that if the case came across his desk today he would not be able to pursue it due to the budget cuts and said “I can’t imagine there is going to be another Lawrence case for a long time – if ever. ” Imran Khan was not the only person to criticize LAPSO, Lord Neuberger, the president of the supreme court stated in a BBC interview “people will feel like the government isn't giving them access to justice in all sorts of cases .” On the other hand, some have praised LAPSO for solidifying the rights of abuse victims for legal aid. Under LAPSO if a person can show that they have been abused by producing trigger evidence which is stated

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