Does Food Industry Influence How Women Perceive Their Bodies?

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Society is fascinated with perfection. Perfection being the newest version of a high-end car, perfect hair, makeup, and most importantly for women; a perfect body. Women have become obsessed with having the best figure possible, believing this is what we will make society accept them. Magazines show women daily how they should look; tall, skinny, and perfectly toned with no fat. Naturally, an average women will compare herself to these photo shopped models and naturally will have no confidence or self-esteem. Many women are classified as over-weight; whether you are a man or woman, stress is now relieved with the comfort of food. But how does the food industry influence how women feel about themselves and their bodies? The connection is stronger than some may believe. Foods containing certain drugs can impact the way our mind works, and can either help or destroy how women see themselves when looking in the mirror. …show more content…

Specifically by the foods that women consume in our western society today. In our industrialized society, fast-food is an extremely convenient way to have meals. Skipping breakfast, artificially flavors and colors, and processed foods are the normal diet for women in America. However, this diet is extremely lacking in the nutrients and foods that our body needs. This deadly combination leads to chronic diseases, and even on some studies, can cause a rise in juvenile crime. The influx of preservatives, antioxidants, thickeners, and homogenisers has been added to almost all foods in society today. “Over the last century, some three million chemicals have been produced in chemical laboratories.” (Food and the Consumer). Chemicals in our foods influence how we feel about our bodies. For instance, when we eat something loaded with high fructose corn-syrup, it will take an effect on our body. Whether it will be by guilt, comfort, or what have you, there is an effect on our

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