Does Caliban Deserve Forgiveness

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The character Caliban, does he really deserve forgiveness? Shown in the theatre play The Tempest, the fish-human mutant Caliban does deserve a reparation. The reasons behind why, is because Prospero didn’t raise him right, or with respect. The second reason is that within Caliban’s soul; he’s still human on the inside. Caliban not only deserves a reparation by Prospero but a second chance in life to show that he is someone different, just treated horribly. The first example is the way Prospero treats Caliban in the play. Represented in the play, Prospero doesn’t treat Caliban with the respect he deserves. Prospero abuses or threatens to do something to him if he acts out. He also treats Caliban differently than he does with Ariel, with respect and politeness. This fuels Caliban hatred for Prospero, showing that he wasn’t raised right by Prospero. The way that Miranda treated him would be better, as she taught him how to speak and understand the human language, in a nice polite manner. Prospero on the other hand, has demonstrated his forceful bargainings on Caliban, with much disrespect and disregard for how Caliban feels. Caliban didn’t mean to become this way, if he was treated better, in the beginning, hatred wouldn't be such a prominent emotion. …show more content…

Though he looks like a fish mutant, he still has human emotions and personality within him. Shown throughout the play, he has demonstrated that he’s still human; like at the end of the play, he cowered in fear from Prospero. His mutant counterpart doesn’t impact any of his decision; anyone would want revenge if they had a nasty ruler that did not care for their well-being. Connecting this to the last reason, if he was treated better he would have been taught how to act more like a human, yet he was treated like a wild animal. Caliban is still human, his fish half doesn’t mean anything besides

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