Do Americans Expect Too Much From A College Degree By Dan Barret

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In his article “Do Americans Expect Too Much From a College Degree”, Dan Barret discusses a controversial question: is higher education truly beneficial? This is an utterly important matter since colleges in America are relatively expensive and the economy is facing problems, thus, it is a must for those who want to invest in higher education to thoroughly and profoundly discuss such question. To answer the question Barret proposed in his title, there must be answers to other questions; why do people seek a college degree? On what criteria should colleges be judged upon? Is it wise to invest in colleges regarding how pricy they are? And finally, what is the relation between economy and higher education? He discusses each and every one of
The student loan debt exceeds one trillion dollars and 50% of the fresh graduates are either jobless, working in jobs that do not even need a college degree or earning insignificant wages. Those numbers are a strong proof that higher education is a waste of money, but Barret offers a more in depth analysis of these data points to show it is
However, there are other benefits to higher education other than financial benefits. Novelist John Green in a YouTube video titled “Is College worth it” states a comparison between two jobs he used to have; the first job had greater payoff but he did not enjoy it, while the second one had smaller payoff but it offered him more enjoyment and intellectual satisfaction. The Obama administration program declared withdrawal from the plan to rate colleges and instead they will offer data and information and let people decide for themselves (Anderson 2015). Colleges should not be blamed for the problems in the job

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