Django Unchained Quotes

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Dr. King Schultz in Quentin Tarantino’s Django: Unchained is the epitome of a tragic hero. The film follows Schultz and Django who he frees in order to find three brothers with major bounties. Schultz strikes a deal with Django. Django will help Schultz track down persons with bounties and find these three Brittle brothers and in return, Django will be freed along with his wife Broomhilda who was sold to Calvin Candie. Capturing all elements necessary, he is a cunning bounty hunter, ludicrous in both actions and behavior, but makes up for it by using his suave speech. Schultz is immediately established in a position of power as he explains his line of work “I practice a new profession, bounty hunter” (00:15:40). Schultz admits that he …show more content…

His pride and fatal flaw of greed leads him to stay at the scene and preposterously request $200 for what he does rather than rationally deal with the situation and justify his actions before tempers rise. Schultz’s notorious display of hubris leads to his moment of anagnorisis, and exemplifies his stubbornness. Schultz refuses to shake hands with cruel slave owner Calvin Candie in order to close a deal to free Django’s wife. Candie declares that the deal is not over until they shake hands and states they will be shot if they attempt to leave before. Schultz tries to call Candie’s bluff, asking “You’re gonna throw away $12,000?” if Schultz does not shake his hand (2:10:00). Eventually, Schultz finally gives in, instead of shaking Candie’s hand, he shoots and kills him. Schultz let his stubbornness overtake him and instead of putting aside grudges and closing the deal, he refuses to shake hands, further intensifying the situation. His sudden realization or moment of Anagnorisis immediately follows his shooting of Candie, stating “I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist” (2:11:25). He realizes his stubbornness and greed previously displayed leads to his downfall as he is promptly executed (2:11:30). Getting what he has coming and presenting his moment of

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