Diversity: A Short Story

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Arriving as a first-year at the University of California Riverside to move-in into your soon to be home, your dorm room, is terrifying. You do not know what to expect, as you will soon start your new chapter in life with so much independence. I felt as if I had been waiting for that moment my whole life but when the time came, I just wanted to turn back and say, “Maybe I am not ready for this.” I looked around and noticed how I did not know anybody and to be honest, diversity is what caught my attention the most about the university, but that day it is also what scared me the most. I did not want to be an outsider and not make new friendships like I had planned it my entire summer. As I kept looking around the dormitory Aberdeen-Inverness and saw everyone giving long goodbye hugs with tears on their faces made me feel blue. As I finally got my room keys and the blue cart to move-in, I did not know what to expect. Outside I had seen tears of sadness but inside it was the complete opposite, everyone seemed to be so happy and joyful. I observed that the people who were the happiest were the people wearing a blue-collared UCR shirt. As I arrived at my side of the hall these people were greeting all families and sure made my family and I feel welcomed. Soon my RA told me “Welcome, looks like we are right across from …show more content…

For example, Abby has been involved with other roles but this is different. She has lead things as big as leading a 200 people conference and had to communicate with lawyers and do everything to logistics to catering to talking. The RA position has changed her in the way that you are not just a leader but also being a mentor, being alert, paying attention to surroundings, and the way you create your environment, It is like a twenty-four hour seven days a week job with being a leader for your residences

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