Distracted Driving Research Paper

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According to distraction.gov, during 2013, 3,154 people were killed and 424,000 were injured in distracted driving accidents. For most people, this would scream that familiar “stop the texts, stop the wrecks” slogan. Sadly, not all distracted driving can be pinned on just texting or cellular device use. In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration defines distracted driving as any time “when drivers divert their attention away from driving tasks to focus on another activity.” That means eating, drinking, fixing your makeup, combing your hair, reading your map, or simply changing the radio station can be counted towards distracted driving. Those things and many others, just like texting can cause wrecks. Everyone seems to shake …show more content…

We seem to think that our friends will be a lot more hurt if we don’t text them back than we will be if we get in a wreck. We don’t realize how changing the station away from the song that’s killing our ears could actually kill us. I’m a victim of faulty thinking too. Although I may try to stay away from texting and will refuse to take calls while driving, there are many other little things that could cause huge issues for my future. For example, I am absolutely terrible when it comes to eating on the road. Each day I have to rush from work to school, knowing that I’ve already missed lunch hour and may never get the chance to eat if I don’t eat now. But is that one extra bite of food worth it? Just before the Christmas break this year we had gotten a huge snow storm and the roads were covered with ice, slush, and very slippery snow. I had driven

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