Dissolving Sugar Lab Report

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In this week’s lab, the dissolving sugar lab, I created an experiment to investigate the effect that the temperature of water has on the water’s capability to dissolve sugar. I used cold, hot, and room temperature water for this experiment. Mixing sugar and water together makes it a solution. A solution is a liquid mixture where the solute, in this case the sugar, is equally distributed within the solvent, the water. My question was “which temperature of water will the sugar dissolve in the fastest?” With all the information I gathered, I can now form a hypothesis. Since I used water at 3 different temperatures, I formed 3 hypotheses. If I stir the sugar in the cold water, then it will take 45 seconds to dissolve. If I stir the sugar in the room temperature water, then it will take 25 seconds to dissolve. If I stir the sugar in the hot water, then it will take 15 seconds to dissolve. In almost every lab, there’s a independent and dependent variable, a constant, and a control …show more content…

The materials I gathered were 3 grams of granulated sugar, 50 mL of cold, room temperature, and hot water, a glass beaker, a balance, a thermometer, a stopwatch, cups for each water temperature, a spoon, and a straw to stir the sugar in the water. The first step in this lab is to pour 50 mL of hot, cold, and room temperature water into a cup using a beaker. Then using the thermometer, get the temperatures of the three types of water. Next, weigh the wax paper on the balance and later add the amount of sugar you want to use for each cup. After you got the amount of sugar you want, pour it into one of the 3 cups. Use the straw to stir it up until it completely dissolves and the stopwatch to record how long it takes for the sugar to dissolve. Keep repeating this step until you dissolved the sugar in all 3 cups. Make sure your record your results as you perform this

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