Dissociative Identity Disorders In The Movie, Split

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The topic I’ve chose to write about for this week’s journal is about a movie I saw on Sunday titled Split. Split is a movie about an individual named Kevin that has dissociative identity disorder. Individuals that have dissociative identity disorder have several personalities that inhabit their body. In the film, Kevin has twenty-three personalities that all struggle to take control of Kevin’s body. However, one of Kevin’s personalities, Barry, takes the role of leader and decides which personality will manifest itself. Kevin has received treatment for his disorder through a psychiatrist, Dr. Karen Fletcher. Dr. Fletcher believes that Kevin has his personalities under control and presents her findings regarding the hope of using this personality disorder to cure other diseases or disabilities. …show more content…

Kevin then kidnaps three teenage girls and claims that they will serve a greater purpose. The film follows how these three girls try to escape and the interactions they have with Kevin and his personalities. This film relates to to Racial & Ethnic Relations because many stereotypes are seen throughout the film. For example, Kevin’s psychiatrist is portrayed by a white woman. This gives off the idea that women that do pursue higher education pursue degrees in psychology and philosophy. This stereotype is incorrect because there is significant number of woman that study in the fields of science, technology, engineering or mathematics and there are many men that earn their degrees in psychology or philosophy. Another stereotype I saw within the film is through the portrayal of an abuser of one of the characters. The abuser is depicted as a large, husky, white male. Although some abusers have had this appearance, this is not always the case. An abuser can have any ethnicity or

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