Disorganization Of Students

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Many students in this country go to school every day to face a teacher or instructor that does not belong in their profession. A “bad” teacher can cause a student to lose interest in a subject or worse, school all together. They fail to learn the objectives and meet standards that they need to know to be able to advance into college, the workforce, or military. “Bad” teachers also influence students with their bad habits. They can be dull and uninspiring, causing students to struggle to keep up with material or to stay awake. It is probable that there are more methods to being a “bad” teacher than there are at being a good one. Students can agree, though, that the following three are the worst: disorganization, belittlement of students, and …show more content…

Disorganization is not just laying things everywhere. For instance, disorganization can also be inconsistency. Inconsistency in expectations, teaching style, etc. can lead to frustration and hatred toward not only the teacher but the subject. Another thing disorganization may be is providing unclear objectives. Unclear objectives lead to students completing work without completely knowing what the objective is. Thus completing it incorrectly and leading to confrontation between the teacher and the student leaving the student not wanting to go to such class. Disorganization may also be the lack of classroom management. The lack of classroom management leads to chaos. Classroom management may include rules , consequences, and routines; the absences of rules, consequences, routines, etc. leads to learning being more difficult for students which is not the goal. Due to such disorganization there ends up being confrontation which may lead to the teacher belittling their …show more content…

One way teachers may illustrate such is by electronic distractions. When a teacher is on their electronic devices playing games, talking on the phone, etc. unrelated to school such teacher is illustrating their dislike towards their job which leads to students disliking such subject. They may also illustrate their obvious dislike for their job by doing work for something else instead teaching. If the teacher is doing work for something rather than teaching them, the students do not learn what is needed and the subject becomes difficult leading to them possibly disliking such subject. Hardly ever being at school is also a way they can portray such. If the teacher is never there then the students get busy work and never truly learn anything not only making such subject harder but also causing them to dislike school because of the busy work. Teachers shape and mold the hearts and minds of students every day; bad teachers shape and mold students to hate

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