Disgaea 5 Research Paper

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If you are unfamiliar with the Disgaea franchise it may be because this niche tactical-RPG series debuted on the PlayStation 2 in 2003, and has had just one installment see release on a Nintendo platform – that being Disgaea DS in 2008. Nevertheless, NIS America felt it was time to reintroduce Disgaea to the Nintendo brand, and they picked a damn fine title to do just that. Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance first graced us in 2015 when the title released for PS4, and now it comes to us in 2017 on the Nintendo Switch as Disgaea 5 Complete. This is the definitive way to play Disgaea 5 for a couple of reasons – namely being, it is now portable and it includes all the downloadable content from the original game.
Newcomers to the series may feel …show more content…

Whereas other tactical and strategy RPGs emphasize planning and careful unit positioning, Disgaea 5 provides the player with the freedom of position experimentation. A beneficial method of attack in Disgaea 5 are the Team Attacks. Team Attacks may occur when you use a Normal Attack while adjacent to an enemy, and have allies next to your character. Team Attacks are devastatingly powerful and will inflict high amounts of damage upon the unfortunate enemy.
Each character has abilities that they can learn and these depend on their character class – for example, a Cleric has an aptitude for healing. The more you use a character in battle and defeat opponents, the more experience points you will earn and the faster you will learn and unlock new abilities and skills to use. The Overlord characters have their own special skill – aptly named Overload. The Overload skills are powerful techniques that can shift the tide of battle in an instant. However, these special abilities relate to the game’s narrative and become obtainable as you progress through the story

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