Discussion Questions For Romeo And Juliet

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Reading Romeo and Juliet from the start to the finish isn’t an easy task.Throughout the book many questions arise and make you think while you read, but later on gets answered as you continue. One question that never gets answered and is up to your own option is who is responsible for the deaths of the two in love.

Lord Capulet and Lady Capulet do not believe that Juliet is yet ready for marriage, yet they seek a man to charm her and take her hand one day. Leaving the question do they believe in love for their daughter. As a child when you know you can’t have something makes a desire so much more desirable, and I do believe this was the case for Romeo and Juliet. Since both sides of the families do not engage in enjoying each other it
Juliet found confinement in what seemed more as a mother then Lady Capulet, and the nurse knew that. At points in the book you can see the nurse becoming mischievous in her way of living. She tells Juliet things that aren’t necessarily true and often exaggerates while telling things ( pg,761 ). It is portrayed that she is almost playing Juliet with what she wants to hear. I believe that the Nurse wanted to be done taking care of Juliet and wanted Romeo to take her to a land faraway. When the Nurse found out that Juliet had been seeing Romeo she told her to consider Paris but after a while the Nurse was more than happy to allow and help Juliet and her true
The introduction to this character shows us that he just wants both of the families to come together and be one. In the mists of this Romeo brings up the topic of his love interest to Friar, and automatically it Friar Lawrence has something to say about how wonderful the news was. He decides to marry them, even tho both families have not consented to the marriage, and he is willing to keep it a secret. Once Romeo kills Tybalt and is banished the Friar comes up with a plan to get the two lovers back together. Although he doesn’t carry out the plan himself by giving the letter to Romeo to explain what has happened to Juliet, which he should have done, it leaves the sense that he is to blame for the deaths of the two children in love. If the letter to Romeo would have been delivered from the Friar Lawrence Romeo and Juliet both wouldn’t have killed themselves, but would have ran off to be one.

In conclusion I believe that Shakespeare wanted us to think about who to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. The evidence from the book shows that Friar Lawrence is the most reasonable to blame. If Friar Lawrence's letter would have reached Romeo, the two would have lived a longer life. Of course there are other people that could be blamed, but i do believe that is mainly Friars fault for letting the

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