Discrimination Against Jews in Germany

590 Words2 Pages

Discrimination Against Jews in Germany

Jewish people in Germany were badly hated in 1933 to 1939, this hatred

dated all the way back to Jesus being killed by Jews. This was when

the king ordered the death of Jesus by nailing him to a crucifix, it

was because of this event taking place that Hitler and the nazi’s

hated Jewish people so much. Hitler made his hatred for Jewish people

very clear by the way he treated them, this went from stopping them

spreading their views in 1933 to mass murder (genocide) in the later


Treatment of Jews grew worse and worse over the years leading up to

the war, the main changes happened 1933-1939 due to the Nazi’s coming

to power and Hitler being in control. In 1933 it began discrimination

became clear and the April Boycott happened, this was where the SA

stood outside Jewish shops and businesses to stop people getting in,

they drew Jude (another word for Jew) on the windows or/and the star

of David to tell people it was a Jewish shop or business and people

who tried to gain entry where beaten by the SA guards on the doors.

The Nazi’s did this to eventually making all Jewish people bankrupt

and therefore they would leave Germany and make the country pure and

Jew free.

The following year Hitler wasn’t as stern as in the previous year he

made it so that Jewish people could not work in theatres, also

anti-Jewish propaganda (used to keep the views of Nazi’s everywhere so

that there was no escape from them and their beliefs) was made and put

around. Again this was done to force people of Jewish background out

of Hitler’s Germany.


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...rom the country.

Germany united with Austria and 185,000 Jews came under the ruling of

Adolph Hitler which they had to live by all Jewish laws used in

Germany, Jews had their passports stamped with J to prevent them

leaving the country. Jews introduced included Jews were not allowed to

be doctors, own businesses, and Jewish children were banned from going

to German schools. (Which had taken to making fun of Jewish children,

teaching Aryan children to hate them and learning how to be a good

Nazi’s) They were also banned from playing with Aryan children and

Jewish publishing houses and bookshops were closed down. This was for

Hitler’s one aim to rid Germany of Jews and make Germany pure to his

eyes and those of his followers, but Hitler’s views had changed in

these years instead of out of his country he wanted Jews dead.

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