Discrepancy Analysis Sheet

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Natural Cues
Student Performance
Discrepancy Analysis
Adaptations and/or Strategies select book
Teacher provides verbal cue for the student to grab a book
Sam is able to select the book he wants to read or grab n/a
Opens book
Being seated at desk with book
Partial Assistance (cue provided)
Sam grabs book and returns to his desk, but he usually does not open the book (avoids work)
Para provides Sam with verbal cue “open book”
Read the story
Opening book
Partial Assistance (cue provided)
Sam avoids work and usually needs gentle verbal cues to get started
Para provides Sam with the verbal cue “time to read”
Review what a “main idea” means
The book has been read
Partial Assistance (cue provided)
Sam usually needs a quick …show more content…

Sam’s performance varies. Depending on the book he may need to see multiple choices to help him pinpoint the main idea.
Para provides Sam with different verbal cues based on where Sam seems to struggle. “look at the title”, “look at the pictures” “what words are frequently repeated” “what is the story about?” Provide multiple choice (3 options) (cue provided multiple times or provide multiple choice options)when/if needed.
Type answer in Google Docs template
Main idea has been identified
Sam loves working with technology. He is familiar with Google Docs and enjoys typing his answers n/a Find two supporting details of the main idea
Main idea has been identified
Partial Assistance (cue provided)
Sam is much more successful at finding supporting details. Usually he just needs a verbal reminder of what to do next in order to look for the …show more content…

Provide 0-second prompt. Provide instructional feedback.
Teacher looks for 2 details that support the main idea of “The three little pigs”, and “Charlotte’s Web”, takes notes. Asks questions if any
+0-second delay – “active listening”
3-second delay – “active listening”

0-second delay – “any questions”
3-second delay – “any questions”

Communication device
“I like how you are taking notes on this”
“I am glad you asked that Sam, good question”
Say “no”. Provide 0-second prompt. Provide instructional feedback.
Teacher writes down answers
Takes notes
0-second delay – “active listening”
3-second delay – “active listening” laptop “I like how you notes are very clear and informative”
Say “no”. Provide 0-second prompt. Provide instructional feedback.
“Now it’s your turn. Go to select a book you want to read today”
Students gets up and goes select a book
0-second delay – “find a book”
3-second delay – “find a book” n/a “I like how you are ready to get started on this activity”
Say “no”. Provide 0-second prompt. Provide instructional feedback.
Once the student has read his book “Can you tell me what the story is

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