Disaster Preparedness is for Everyone

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Introduction Of the four phases of emergency management, mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery, perhaps the place that individuals can make the biggest difference in their own state of resiliency and survival of a disaster is in the preparedness phase. Being prepared before a disaster strikes makes sense yet many people fail to take even simple, precautionary steps to reduce the consequences of destruction and mayhem produced by natural events such as earthquakes, volcanos and tornados (see Paton et al, 2001, Mileti and Peek, 2002; Tierney, 1993, Tierney et al, 2001). Educating the public and getting them to take preparatory actions to better protect themselves in the face of natural hazards has led to extensive study of risk communication by social scientists and disaster researchers over the past half-century (Quarantelli, 1991). Lindell et al (2006) describe the reason for risk communication as “to initiate and direct protective action” relative to a hazardous threat (Lindell et al, 2006, p. 84). Better understanding of why people take protective actions has led to better risk communication directed at preparedness measures. Research has identified key ingredients regarding the effectiveness of risk communication messages as well as conditions conducive to adoption of improved preparedness practices. For instance, Mileti and Peek (2002) found that when people are given clear information about risk, they can comprehend and remember the message and that self-efficacy, i.e. knowing they have the ability to do something about it, regarding preparedness, promotes more action (Mileti and Peek, 2002, p. 128). It is also widely accepted that people will seek out additional information about a threat, especially from th... ... middle of paper ... ...d Social Characteristics in the Promotion of Household Disaster Preparedness. Colorado State University. Accessed http://wsnet.colostate.edu/CWIS584/Lori_Peek/Data/Sites/1/publicationpdfs/miletiandpe ek2 Tierney, K. J., Lindell, M.K. and Perry, R.W. (2001). Facing the Unexpected: Disaster preparedness and response in the United States. National Academy of Science. Washington D.C.: John Henry Press. Tierney, K. J. (1993). Disaster preparedness and response: Research findings and guidance from the social science literature. Preliminary Paper #193. University of Delaware Disaster Research Center. Bacon, Francis. (1597). Meditationes Sacræ. De Hæresibus. Accessed at http://www.quotationspage.com/quotes/Sir_Francis_Bacon/ U.S. Census Bureau. (2009). 2009 Current Population Survey. Table 1. Available at http://www.census.gov/hhes/computer/publications/2009.html

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