Disadvantages Of The Digital Divide

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Internet access and usage is limited among individuals that are older, have less education, lower incomes, and non-English speakers. This creates a digital divide which could exacerbate racial disparities in healthcare. The use of electronic health information exchange could improve the quality of care and reduce healthcare cost providing a complete information point of care. Understanding the patient perceptions and preferences would diffuse the digital divide for them to reap the full benefits of healthcare technologies. In this investigate research paper will examine the factors which impact how ethnically and racially diverse communities perceive the use of the health information exchange and electronic health records and the barrier that impact usage. Within the United States some populations groups face greater challenges then the general public with being able to access needed health care services in a timely fashion. These populations are at a greater risk for poor physical, psychological, and social health. The correct term would be underserved populations or medically disadvantaged. They are at a disadvantaged for many reason such as socioeconomic status, health and geographic conditions. Within …show more content…

The groups fell as 12.3% being Black or African American, 16.3% Hispanics or Latinos, 4.7% Asians, 0.2% Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander and American Indian and Alaska Natives 0.7%. There were at least 1.9% which identified as two or more races. In 2010 it was reported the live birth weights less than 2,500 grams was higher in Blacks. The ethic group more likely to begin prenatal care was the Asian and Pacific Islanders they were also less likely to smoke cigarettes during pregnancy. The population more likely to consume alcohol was the white adult population. White women 40 years old and older utilization mammography more than any other ethnic

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