Disadvantages Of Population Growth

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“We used to live in a world where the price of resources came down steadily, and now the world has changed. You have a great mismatch between finite resources and exponential population growth.” - Jeremy Grantham. In the United States alone, there is one birth every eight seconds, one death every thirteen seconds, and one international migrant every thirty three seconds. This calculates to an average of one person gained every fourteen seconds. However, the total population of this planet is a different story. To prove that our world has gone out of control, remember this number because it will be important later. 7,244,200,170. This large number represents the world’s population. Our species have devoured, drained, and depleted our world of most resources. We used to have forests where our new housing developments are located. Countries are in severe droughts. There is a constant worry of oil …show more content…

Then look at this new number. 7,244,932,870 is the world’s population now. In a matter of days the overall population of the planet as increased by 732,700 people. If that increase happens in days, imagine where we will be in one year or even five years. With all the problems that have accompanied the population growth, there have been organizations and communities of people who are trying to come up with plausible ways to work towards a solution. Proper education for young adults is essential in fixing this problem. Teen pregnancies are overly glorified and made popular with television shows and movies. In order to better this situation there needs to be thorough sex ed. classes that students are required to take. Young women need to know that it is not their job to have children. There are other options for them. They also need to know that they should only have children when they are ready to start a family. It is important to have a plan when deciding to have children. Contraceptives should also be more readily

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