Disadvantages Of Bitcoin

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Bitcoin The problem with today’s fiat currencies include corruption, inflation, identity theft, and expensive transaction fees. Fiat currencies, such as the dollar, euro, or yen, are a means of exchange that are created and maintained by a central power In 2009, a man by the name of Satoshi Nakamoto set out to fix these problems by creating Bitcoin, the world's first digital currency. Bitcoin is decentralized, allows for cheap transaction fees, has a set supply, and allows anonymity for its users. For these key reasons, Bitcoin should replace fiat currencies. One of the problems with allowing banks to be the central authority in a transaction is just how corrupt banks are. Ever since the creation of banks, corruption has been prominent in the banking system. Almost everyday banks are found committing illegal …show more content…

Nowadays, credit and debit cards are the most common way to pay. Everytime a payment takes place with a credit or debit card, the bank charges the seller a 3%-4% fee for the transaction to take place. This may not seem like a lot, but over time this can definitely affect a business. Imagine a new small business, even the smallest bit of money can make or break them. By accepting credit and debit cards, a company automatically loses a portion of their revenue. Another problem with credit and debit cards are chargebacks. Chargebacks usually occur when a fraudulent purchase is made. After the bank finds out about this fraudulent purchase, they file a chargeback. By issuing a chargeback, the seller effectively has the money from the fraudulent purchase taken from them. Bitcoin fixes both of these problems by having an average transaction fee of 1% and not allowing any chargebacks on its platform. Bitcoin is able to do this because of the Blockchain. The miners authorize transactions at a very low cost and don’t allow repeat transactions such as chargebacks to happen. (Card,

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