Disabilities In Cece Bell's El Deafo

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One of the reasons that makes El Deafo different from other children’s novels is that that it’s written by a person with a disability, which is not very common in children’s literature. Cece Bell’s story proves why diversity is crucial in children’s books not only because it will teach children about disabilities. Yet, it also gives empowerment and inspiration to those who always felt like they’re lonely and different because of their disability. Furthermore, I believe that Bell’s use of graphics and illustrations are what really helps readers to understand the negative and positive experiences of having a hearing aid through her character’s journey. Another reason that makes El Deafo a unique story is that it’s written as a comic book rather than a chapter book, which will definitely draw the reader’s attention. The speech bubbles are an important feature because it captures exactly what Cece is thinking, hearing, and not hearing throughout the entire story. In the beginning, we see words that are fading away to nothing in other characters’ speech bubbles to …show more content…

Although, most people wouldn’t really notice someone wearing a hearing aid and may not understand the insecurities of a Deaf person. So I believe that Bell emphasizes this feeling by illustrating the characters as rabbits since their ears are large and prominent, which will make the hearing stand out more to the other characters in the story. As a result, Cece’s insecurities have caused her to have many struggles with making new friends since she always worries if someone is staring at her hearing aid, or if that’s the first thing they notice when they are speaking to her. Even though Cece wanted to be treated as a normal person, she also sees her hearing aid in a positive way by picturing herself as a superhero since she claims that superheroes are different and have amazing abilities as

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