Directing the Confrontation Between Creon and Haemon

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Directing the Confrontation Between Creon and Haemon

As a director, I would direct this scene to express the immediate

arrogance of Creon and the noble and loving nature of Haemon. I would

show this with light, space, and sound.

At the start of the scene, Creon is in the throne room with his

advisors and Haemon enters, immediately Creon questions Haemon's

intent as he knows of the controversy that Haemon might (and does)

object to. Creon at this point would be seated in his throne above

Haemon this would show his authority over him, not just as a father

but also as a king. This use of space and staging overpowers Haemon

and he is submissive. This effect would be reinforced with lighting as

Creon is bathed with a bright sharp light and Haemon with only a

meagre fresnel. This should help the audience to see that his father

dominates Haemon, but not just because of his tyrannical nature,

Haemon is patriotic to both his country and father, he would have

obeyed the former king Oedipus with the same loyalty.

I would have Creon always above Haemon, again symbolising the

authority and also how Creon imposes upon Haemon, I would heighten

this effect to the audience by having Creon and some point, preferably

in his rhesis where is talks about the obedience of children to step

down lower to Haemon and stand close to him a overpower him. This

should show to the audience Creon's power over him.

This same power is also be inflicted upon the chorus, whom I shall

make interact with the characters as advisors to Creon, they are

however not in favour of his tyranny, and I would have them try to

waiver his actions away from sentencing Antigone to death. They are

however trying to do this and preserve their own lives and so are not

overt in their beliefs; they hint on it and merely reinforce Haemon's

intentions. They back him up without appearing to be on his side.

I would also have the actors show their characters qualities with

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