Digital Wallet Case Study

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Title: Emergence of Digital Wallet as a service in India


In today’s world, a Smartphone has become essential part of daily life. There was a time when transactions happened through barter system. Thereafter was the emergence of notes and coins. And presently, the world is moving towards the “Digital Wallet”. Due to technology, mobile users can use their Smartphone to make money transactions or payments by using applications installed in their phone. Digital wallet system is an essential part of electronic commerce. E-commerce provides the capability of trading on the internet. A digital wallet is a virtual service used as a substitute for physical cash. The present study tries to study the various factors that can affect a consumer’s …show more content…

It was found that digital wallet can be an alternate choice for online payments.

3. Users of digital wallet are satisfied with the services provided to them.

4. Security and safety of the funds is the most challenging issue for the users.

5. Dependency on internet connection to make payment is one of the major reasons for less adoption of digital wallet.

6. The most adored feature of digital wallet is that it is a hassle free mode of making an online payment.

Since demonetization took off, digital wallet companies have had lot of opportunities to penetrate into market and make India grow at digital life. The digital wallet company also expanded its merchant network by more than 1, 50,000. The company also added over 5 Million new users since demonetization started on November 8, 2016. This is the time, for Digital Wallet Companies to grow further and be the next way of growth because people are moving towards digital life by accessing internet facility to their life. Internet is dynamic in nature because it helps modernize the environment. The users of internet are increasing in India, so the digital wallet companies take an opportunity of demonetization and increase in internet users to grow …show more content…

Marketing and promotion programs should be conducted to create awareness among non- users.

2. Discount offers and reward points on making payment through digital wallet can increase its popularity and adoption as well.

3. To increase the use of digital wallet, it is required to educate consumers about the benefits of a digital wallet in simplifying and streamlining their purchasing experience. 4. Provide high level of security, coverage and convenience to the end consumers.


Digital wallets are quickly becoming mainstream mode of online payment. Shoppers are adopting digital wallets at an incredibly rapid pace, largely due to convenience and ease of use. Tech -savvy shoppers are increasingly demanding seamless, Omni-channel retail experiences and looking for solutions that deliver this. There’s no question 2017 will be a pivotal year as digital wallets gain more widespread acceptance.


 Electronic Wallet by Ambarish Salodkar, Karan Morey, Prof. Mrs. Monali Shirbhate ISSN: 2395-0072

 Ways of Transacting Online by Mukta Sharma, Dr R.B.Garg ISSN: 2250-3153

 Narendra Modi calls for making india a cashless society in Mann Ki Baat by ET Bureau, 2016.

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