Digital Immigrants

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There was once a period of time when people did not rely on the use of technology for communication. This may be hard to believe or it may seem like an urban myth. However, this period of time was only a couple of decades ago. Digital immigrants were raised without the entertainment of technology. Digital natives, better known as today’s generation, most likely were swarmed with technological devices. Being raised without or without technology makes a huge difference in factors, such as education, communication, or entertainment. Digital immigrants barely relied on technology when it came to learning. Their studies really all came down to just a writing utensil, paper, and a good informative textbook. Libraries were used more often and early …show more content…

It is said that in the future, writing and reading from books will be no more. Now you have these E books and Kindles where you can access thousands of different reading material on one digital device. It’s crazy to think, but even something as simple as writing will become a lost art due to the fact of the evolution of technology. Believe it or not, it is already beginning to be shown that writing with pen and paper will be no more with an example of that being the use of Siri and iPhone users. An individual can speak into a phone now and send a typed messaged to the person of choice without lifting a finger. To our digital immigrants years ago something of this sort would seem nearly …show more content…

With social media on the rise people of all ages are gravitating to these sites. This has been the one aspect of life both digital immigrants and natives have been able to relate to. Social media has become huge not only amongst the younger population but as well as the growing elderly population. Statistics show that nearly 60 percent of adults ages 65 and up use the internet on a day to day basis. 71 percent of these individuals go online every day and about 82 percent go online at weekly. That’s what one would say is shocking to hear especially pertaining to digital immigrants being that their involvement with technology is limited. However, it seems as if social media has an effect on everyone drawing interest from all individuals. Most digital native’s entertainment interest is based on what is the most accessible like the internet, videos games and things more technology based. Digital immigrants’ way of entertainment was more hands on allowing individuals the opportunity to be active with others. With digital natives, you found it hard to get them to do active hands on activity because they’re normally tied up in online video gaming. This is a reason why digital natives are known to be more antisocial and less likely to choose a game of cards over a game of 2k on the

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