Different Themes In Huswifery By Edward Taylor

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All poems portray different themes. In Huswifery by Edward Taylor a spinning-wheel is being compared to a woman’s experience with God by using a conceit, splitting up stanzas, and using a woman’s perspective. Edward Taylor does not just use one simple metaphor; his whole poems is a conceit. He is comparing his life to a spinning-wheel. He is also asking God to forgive him and make him pure again. In the first line he says, “Make me, O lord, the spinning-wheel complete.” The spinning-wheel is referring to his life. First he says, “And make my Soul thy holy Spool to be,” the spinning-wheel requires Spool just like our human bodies need a soul. Our soul is the center of us, so he is asking God to be the center of him with his soul. The “to be” part is in future tense, so he must be pleading God to to be the center of him. Then he says, “Make me Loom then, knit therein this Twine.” He wants God to use him. He wants to be used by God in way that represents the twine on the spinning-wheel. The loom is an instrument that needs to be used in order to make the final product. Taylor is asking God to …show more content…

Then as he is the loom he wants to be given the twine. He wants God to put his full trust on him and give him the responsibility to show the glory of God. Finally he says,

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