Difference Between Romeo And Juliet

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When reading romeo and juliet do you ever wonder whos the most at fault for the death of romeo and juliet. The capulets are the most at fault because tybalt killed mercutio witch triggered romeo to kill tybalt got exiled and banished. Everyone is at fault for romeo and juliet's death but the most who are at fault are the capulets because of the big grudge friar lawrence married them without tybalt killing micertion romeo would have killed tybalt causing him to kill tybalt. The grudge between the capulets and the montagues was another big reason. Because without there being a grudge there would be no conflict between the capulets and the montagues. The grudge has been in place for decades and decades. If this grugen was not in place there wouldn't even be a romeo and juliet . …show more content…

I must another way, to fercha ladder by the witch your love. Must climb a birds nest soon when it's dark i am the drudge and toil yaar delight but you shall bear the burden soon at night” Act 2, scene 5 This is where the nurse helps romeo and juliet complete their marriage.Without theses conflicts none of the following would have taken place. The grudge between the montagues and the capulets has fueled tybalt with hatred and fueled romeo and juliet with the wrong kind of love forcing them to do things they wouldn't normally do. The grudge between these two people has been happening for years. “ what dares the slave come hither covered with an antic face forever and scorn at solemnity now by the stack and hool of my kin to strike dead I hold it not a sin”act 1 scene 5 pg 51. The hate between each
“Here's much do do with hate” shows once again the hate. The grudge between the monomers and

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