Difference Between Gamers And Book Nerds

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Nerds There are different types and levels of nerds, nerds come in all shapes and sizes. I am not talking about the candy; I am talking about the people. There are the gamers, the geeks, the book nerds, the science freaks, the list goes on and on. Most people don’t realize there is a difference in the type of nerd, but the differences between each group can be astonishing. The most well-known nerds are the gamers, and the book nerds; the differences between these three groups are striking but they are often put into the same category of nerd. The gamers are a group of their own shape and fashion, other nerds can recognize gamers from a mile away. Gamers can be recognized in person by them having their heads in their phones with their phones …show more content…

Book nerds can be easy to spot, they often wear merchandise from their favorite book series, and they often have a bag with them that has at least three books in it at all times. Book nerds do have a favorite series that they will read time and time again, but they are often buying new books to read, even though they already have a stack of books twenty books high to read at home. We book nerds are compulsive buyers when it comes to buying books, we will rationalize that buying three books is more important than buying lunch that day. Book nerds are the shyest of the nerds because most of them often have anxiety or are just socially awkward. Once book nerds get used to a person though, they never stop talking and that person will often wish that the book nerd would go back to being silent. Book nerds can often come across as know-it-alls, we do not mean to do this but we get excited when we know something, and cannot help but say what we know. Gamers and book nerds are the two most popular and well-known groups of nerds. They are easy to spot and easy to tell apart for the most part, but when the two groups are together they are nearly impossible to tell apart unless one knows these key differences. Nerds are often quiet people who keep to themselves and ignore the rest of the world. When nerds do come out of their shells and socialize like normal people it is one of the funniest and most sarcastic events ever. Nerds come in many different shapes and sizes and they all have different

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