Diction In The Count Of Monte Cristo

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¨The past cannot be changed the future is yet in your power¨ (unknown). This quote represents how the arrogance that Edmond Dantes and King Louis XIV in Viva la Vida had when they ruled “the world”. In the book, The Count of Monte Cristo, Edmond Dantes came ashore from The Pharon then, he met all his people back in his hometown. At Edmond’s betrothal feast, he was accused of planning Napoleon’s return also he was falsely imprisoned. When Edmond was imprisoned, he met Abbe Faria, who taught him everything he needed to know. When Abbe Faria died, Edmond took his chance to escape and get revenge on the people who were responsible for his imprisonment. In the song, Viva La Vida, the king of France was in power and he ruled everything furthermore he was adored by everyone. During his ruling, his enemies feared him. In Viva La Vida and The Count of Monte Cristo, both the author and songwriter use diction and metaphors to portray the idea that they are both representing the power portrayed in both, the book and song. …show more content…

¨...that was when I ruled the world, it was the wicked and..¨ (coldplay 23) this quote displays how diction is represented in the song lyric. Diction is significant to songwriters because it helps them stay on their beat and helps the Rhythm. This supports how the king had the power and the ¨wicked” people helped him in his journey. The count of Monte Cristo has a different genre and a different way of getting the message out to people. “...you still believe in god you wouldn't want to risk the salvation of your soul¨(Dumas 525). This statement is representing how diction can change the meaning of a sentence. Edmond Dantes ,in The Count of Monte Cristo, is showing how he is powerless and had gone too far when he took vengeance on the people who betrayed

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