Diary Of A Madman Essay

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The “sane” brother is aware of the cannibalism that is happening in the village, and he falls victim to returning back to traditional feudal Chinese life in which the weak elite devour the serfs, cannibalism. The “insane” brother struggles against the societal norms of the village and tries to use his education to arouse the people from their slumber. The town society is destroying people’s lives, and it becomes clear that our “madman” is not really a madman, but a revolutionary who is desperately trying to get people to understand his discovered truth. In this case, it is the villagers and the brother who are truly mad. “Diary of a madman” is an important story because of the way that Lu Xun depicts revolution. He does not depict it through …show more content…

The sick boy’s grave has blue flowers that were placed there by his family, along with the traditional offerings that his mother brought to share with him. On the other side of the sick boy’s grave, the mother of the revolutionary is visiting his grave, bringing also with her traditional offerings, however the flowers on the revolutionaries grave are different from those on the sick boy’s. The revolutionary has bright red flowers, ones that are not native to this town. This is a pressing detail because it is another glimpse into Lu Xun’s hope for the future. It supplies us gently with an important and inspiring message. Only the sick boy’s family is going to remember him in death through traditional practices; however in the case of the revolutionary, he will be remembered by his brother and sister revolutionaries. Even though this young revolutionary has perished, his fight will continue to live on and he will be remembered by those he fought beside, not just by his family. In these two stories, Lu Xun addresses the difficulties in carrying out and committing oneself to the revolutionary cause and the constant struggle between traditional China and the newly emerging Western educated youth. Being able to step up and answer the call to revolution could mean facing character assassination, as depicted through the madman in “Diary of a madman”, ostracization, and possibly even death

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