Determinism Vs Free Will Essay

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Humans have always question if we have free will or if we are unconsciously control by someone, and to understand or to answer the question, first we have to understand what is free will. According to the oxford dictionary, free will is the power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate; the ability to act at one’s own discretion. However, most philosophers have decided that there might not be one single concept for the definition of free will.
The question of free will has been around for ages and philosopher have taken sides. There are philosophers who do believe that humans have free will that we have choices, we control our lives, etc. and same as those philosophers I firmly believe that humans have free will. On the other …show more content…

First I will focus on Hard Determinism, which is the position of Determinism being incompatible with both human freedom and moral responsibility. Moreover hard determinism states all acts can be reduce to Biological, behavioral and psychological theories and those three theories are the most dominants forms of Determinism.
The first theory Behavioral Determinism, lasted until 1950 and in the present’s days has some strong followers. This theory states that our reactions, develop in us by environmental conditioning, are the reflex of our actions. Behavioral Determinism, follows to the theory of knowledge of blank slate (tabula rasa) of David Hume. Behavioral determinism says that free will is an illusion and behavior is the result of stimulus and response association. Behavioral Determinism is the Nurture side of the Nurture versus Nature discussion.
The second theory Psychological Determinism o also called Freudian Determinism, states that all mental processes are determined by unconscious mental complexes, and therefore are not spontaneous. This theory is based on the causality principle that nothing happens by accident and is one of the central concepts of …show more content…

With this one I can agree that our body has most of the answers of the questions about our actions. However, some of those causes do not have to be in our chemical makeup, there can be cases where the causes are not chemical and are just the way we are. For example there is no chemical explanation for being gay. Charles Murray in his book The Bell Curve “argues not only that intelligence is genetically heritable, but also that there are racial and ethnic differences that account for why whites are better off socioeconomically compared to blacks.” However, while intelligence might be heritable does not mean that intelligence cannot be develop, all of us are intelligence some more and some less, but is a matter on how much is developed to make a real good use of

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