Determining Databases and Data Communication

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Working as a marketing assistant for a consumer electronics company, I am in charge of setting up my company’s booth and equipments at trade shows. Prior to any show, I meet the marketing managers to determine the equipment and displays needed for the show. These are then scheduled for delivery by a shipper to the show site. Once delivered, I supervise the setting up of the booths and equipment by the trade show personnel. After the show, I supervise the packing as well as schedule the shipment back for the booth components and equipment. Upon returning to the home office, I need to ensure that all components of the booth and equipment have arrived and in case of shipping damage or loss, I handle it. In order to achieve my task efficiently, I need a simple management system to handle it. For each data, I need fields to identify their characteristics. These are as below: 1. Booth components - Name of each component - Quantity of each type of component - Status of the components - Brief description about the components - Instructions for shipping - Items ID 2. Equipment - Name of each component - Quantity of each type of component - Status of the components - Brief description about the components - Instructions for shipping - Items ID 3. Shippers - Name of the shippers - Address - Contacts 4. Shipment - Mode of transporting - Date of departure - Date of arrival - Quantity in shipment - Items in transit ID - Cost of shipping With the details collected, I need to follow up on: a) Booth components and equipment item ID and items in transit ID b) Booth components and equipment quantity and shipment quantity With the above fields, I have two options: to use Excel® spreadsheet or a datab... ... middle of paper ... ...s of the company’s client with malicious intentions hence the sensitivity. VPN stands for a Virtual Private Network. This is a network connection with enhanced security features over a public or a private network. Virtual Private Networks are widely used by educational institutions or large organizations to extend intranets up to a worldwide level. Users can only access the network via authentication by the unique identification and allocated passwords. Due to the sensitivity of the data being transmitted, a VPN would be appropriate to ensure preservation and security of clients’ information. References Antonakos, J. L., & Mansfield, K. C. (2009). Computer networking for LANs to WANs: Hardware, software and security. Clifton Park, N.Y: Cengage Delmar Learning. Date, C. J. (2005). Database in depth: Relational theory for practitioners. Beijing : O'Reilly.

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