Designing A Pathway

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Every garden looks more interesting with a walkway, which also makes it easier to get around to the shed, and other outbuildings. Whether you are a seasoned "do it yourself" person, or one just starting to tinker, garden paths and walkways for your home are not hard to design. One of the first things you need to think about when designing a walkway is what kind of walkway you would like. Do you want it straight or curved? What materials would you like to use? Brick? Stone? Concrete? Gravel? Here are some steps to help you decide, and design. Preparation and research Consider the overall look of your home and think of the look you want for your yard or garden. Do you want a sleek modern concrete look? An old world gravel look? Or a quaint paving stone or brick design? Remember to take a look at the walkway materials available at the hardware stores near you to get more of a feel for what would look best and what materials work best for your yard and home. For more ideas, look at a few home and garden magazines as well as some DIY magazines and sites for other walkway designs and materials. …show more content…

Decide whether you want a straight walkway or a curved one. Think about meandering the walkway around ornaments or gazebos. However, avoid laying your path under large trees whose roots can eventually damage the walkway. Consider laying the walkway close to your flowerbeds to make it look more pleasant, and help you in the watering and care of your flowering plants. Once your route is decided, in your mind, check the actual placing of your path. Different approaches for different

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