The Birth Of The City Planning Ideal: According To Park Dixon Goist

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According to Park Dixon Goist (1977). “city Planning emerged as a movement and then a profession in the late nineteenth century and the early twentieth century“ which was formed by a number of related interests such as included landscape architects, architects, progressive politics, housing reform, the city beautiful movement, the Garden city or the new towns idea, regionalism and zoning. (Goist, 1977, page 121). The idea of city planning therefore emerged at the time when the industrial revolution was at its peak and people were flocking from the villages into cities for better jobs and pay. This was the time when the Chicago Exposition had just hit the exhibition forum and the Garden City concept by Ebenezer Howard and others were in competition. …show more content…

He became the forbearer in advocating of the City Beautiful theory and accepted piecemeal approaches as a way to approach to the beatification of cities. (Peterson, 2003, p. 123)
In his book Modern Civic Art, Robinson discussed various ways to beautify the city from avenues to small streets, the tenements, the administrative center, and the furnishings of the streets, comprehensive planning, parkways and so forth. Some of his ideas were only good on paper at that time but as the city evolved most of them have now come into fruition. He explained that the backyard should be as beautiful as the front of the house as well as the inside. (Robinson, 1903 p. 241)
Neighborhoods have seen a great transformation from the time of the tenement when clothes were hanged everywhere to present day where we try to at least conceal such activity from the public eye and keep them in privacy. Because we would not like others who come to our neighborhood or our guests to wake up in the morning and look through the windows to see clothes hanging to block their view from the beauty of the neighborhood as well as denying them of directs fresh air. Civic rights may have treaded on rights of privacy but most communities have adopted some aspects of his ideas to improve their neighborhoods and make it uniform, not perhaps for the rights, but for what may be the privileges of neighbors. (Robinson, 1903 p.

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